Sunday 8 July 2012

How to set up a Hubbly Bubbly

Step 1: Fill the base with ice cold water, add around a 1/3 of a cup of milk to the water if your preference is to have thicker smoke.

Step 2: Put the stem into the base.

Step 3: Fill the head with the flavour. Before doing this make sure that you break up the flavour to make it light and fluffy.

Step 4: Make sure that you do not fill the bowl to the very top, fill the bowl to around two thirds of the way. This is to make sure that the coal does not actually touch and burn the flavour but rather heats it up.

Step 5: Tear an appropriate sized piece of foil to cover the head.

Step 6: Place the foil over the head making sure that it is airtight and very tight over the head. Try not to make wrinkles in the foil it should be smooth on the surface.

Step 7: Use a needle or small pin to make holes in the foil. Do not make too many holes as this makes the coal burn to fast and affects the taste of the flavour. Make up to 18 holes if you are using a medium to large sized head.

Step 8: Grab your tongs and light the coal with a lighter. Make sure that the coal is completely lit before placing it onto the head. If you are not using quick light coals then blow the coal until the coal is completely red.

Step 9: Start the Hubbly by pulling slowly. If you pull to fast and to hard then you will burn the flavour quickly and it will taste like coal.

Step 10: Sit back relax and enjoy the Hubbly experience.

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